Posted by: yuaner | September 14, 2007

Second Wave~

MiniMI got another wave today! When I was motoring back from Caltech Alumni lunch, there was a pepper white Mini cooper S, with blue flower tatoo stripe, in front of me. I flashed the headlight twice, and the lady in the car lowered her window, and gave me a "V"! How exciting! The life is sooo colorful!!


  1. 沙发。。。

  2. haha, you are right! I’m crazy about her 🙂 

  3. 你似乎加入了某个秘密Mini教

  4. 我今天碰到了小米的孪生姐妹^_^,车主是一年轻白人男士。

  5.  Cute Mini and exciting new life 🙂

  6. hi, yuan, you like mini cooper?

  7. Yuaner: Happy Birthday! I almost forgot. You may want to change your location in the blog, back to California.

  8. Xiaojian jj: thx, thx. I just changed my profile 🙂

  9. hahah… 我报复心作祟

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